Saturday, September 15, 2007

Annie Looses Her First Tooth

While I was away teaching my first class in Information Architecture at the U. of T., Erika took the girls to a Scottish festival that was happening at Kew Beach park. While there, Erika bought some toffy at a candy stall there and a small bottom incisor that had been wiggly for a while came out.

This was Annie's first baby tooth to come out. A completely different story than Vanessa, who started loosing her baby teeth much earlier (beginning at least the age of 5), and who herself lost her first baby molar tooth last week. Annie was thrilled at the prospect of her first visit by the tooth fairy.

Safe to say the tooth fairy will pay her well and be particularly appreciative for that first tooth. And maybe also leave a note about how messy her room is (fairies are known to trip over things, after all). ;-)

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