Thursday, March 08, 2007

"That am the way to spell chicken"

Tonight was Annie's performance at her school's "Talent Show", which really just gives kids a chance to get up on stage and have some fun, and acts as a fund-raiser for the school, with a percentage going to an overseas charity.

Annie had rehearsed "The Chicken Song", which her mother had taught her. She was second in the line-up, right after a boy who played "Oh Canada" on an ocarina.

The movie was shot by Vanessa, who was sitting in the front. Annie was nervous enough to want me to accompany her backstage prior to going on. Unfortunately Erika couldn't make it, as she was working on a TV shoot down in Hamilton for the month of March, but of course she wanted to see the performance, so we brought the camera along.

The kids wanted to see the other kid's performances, so we ended up staying for the whole thing. Oi! To be fair there were one or two truly good/interesting acts that didn't rely wholly on cuteness, the one that most sticks in my mind being a small rock and roll group of four boys, one of whom could really play lead guitar well and an unabashed singer who managed to wake up everyone in the audience, and got a rousing round of applause.

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