July, 2011

This Blog has Finally Been Updated

Blogger made it next to impossible to properly update my site, and have now finally gotten around to shifting things over to WordPress, which at least has some mechanisms for uploading pics easily.

I started going through the process of trying to update blogger, but in the end gave up after all of the roadblocks to what ought to have been a simple, straightforward process. The final straw was clicking on a link for advanced instructions, and coming up with a dead link. Ugh. WordPress, here I come!

Things may be a little bit creaky here as I get things set up under WordPress. For some reason only the last 50 posts were imported, and none of the posts seems to have a title. However, this should give me the opportunity to go back in time and add pics from previous trips and of other interesting things I have seen and taken pictures of with my camera.

Yea WordPress! Boo Blogger! 😉

Postscript, August 1, 2011: WordPress is turning out to be a great blogging engine, its many plug-ins making it easy for me to tweak things (like the default photo size, tagging options, etc) over Blogger.

Unfortunately the Blogger import engine only tackled the last 50 posts, and I have many more than that, with entries dating back to 2001. So it will take me a while to restore things back to what was originally there.

While renewing my site account with BlueHost recently, I realized that the size allocated to my domain (and sub-domains for that matter) is almost limitless, so will be posting more pics to the site.

From the site stats most people are coming her for the pictures, so all the more reason to showcase what I have shot over the years. (From a personal standpoint, it’s also interesting to see the progression in shots taken, as I get better with some techniques and slowly acquire better gear).

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