I didn’t get much of an opportunity to shoot pics of birds while I was over in the U.K., so it was good to go for a walk in Woodbine Park with the dog to see the birds that have returned (or in a couple of cases, likely never left).
Here are a couple of shots of a male Red-winged Blackbird who was gathering thistle seeds and squawking away.

Male Red-winged Blackbird Squawking
When he noticed me, he directed his squawks at me:

Male Red-winged Blackbird Squawking at Me
One of a pair of Mourning Doves I ran across:

Mourning Dove
Here’s a pic of one of a couple of Robins I saw in Woodbine Park. Am pretty sure at least three American Robins stuck it out for the whole of the (non-)winter we had.

An American Robin
The Mute Swans are back in Woodbine Park’s pond. They didn’t like Yo-Bob much, which accounts for the steely gaze in this shot:

Mute Swan
A Blackbird (or possibly a Grackle?) taking flight from the top of a small tree:

Blackbird Taking Flight