Today Erika started her long weekend from work on the set of “Republic of Doyle”, and she took us all to the first place she wanted to show to us: Bay Bulls, where she had gone sea kayaking earlier in the year.
Some pics from Bay Bulls:

“150262” Out of the Water for the Off-Season

Mishell the Mermaid Statue at Bay Bulls

Small Waterfall at Bay Bulls, Newfoundland

Huge Spools of Oil Pipeline Equipment, Bay Bulls

Seven Eagles Coming into Port at Bay Bulls

St. Peter and St. Paul Church Facade at Bay Bulls
One of the most fascinating things at the St. Peter and St. Paul Church is their gate, made up of four cannons topped with statues of saints: the “cannonized saints”. The two larger cannon are Enlgish, and the smaller ones to each side are French:

The “Canonized Saints” Gate at St. Peter and St. Paul Church in Bay Bulls

Coming Back from Sea Kayaking in Bay Bulls, Newfoundland

Annie and Erika Getting Out of their Sea Kayak at Bay Bulls, Newfoundland
Everyone was hungry after kayaking, so we went to what is by reputation is the best fish and chips restaurant in Newfoundland: “By The Beach“. I ordered the Captain’s Plate so everyone could try a bit of everything. Here’s what it looked like:

The Captain’s Plate at “By the Beach” Restaurant
It was easily the best fish and chips I have ever had. Period.
Then off to Cape Spear, which is the furthest east you can go and still be in North America.

Annie, Erika and Vanessa at Cape Spear, the Most Easterly Part of North America
It was also the place where during WWII a battery was put in place for defense. The guns and the concrete remains of the old battery are still in place.

Old Naval Gun at WWII Base Cape Spear

Hairy Eyeball Graffiti in Old WWII Base Cape Spear
Then back to home base to rest before dinner at an upscale pizza place Erika wanted us to go to. While we were waiting for our table to be ready at that place, we headed over for some local music and ended up in Kelly’s Pub where we saw Ray O’Leary play most of a set:

Ray O’Leary Playing at Kelly’s Pub