Beaches Jazz Festival 2012: Streetfest
July 27th, 2012 Posted by admin
Got home late the previous evening from the cottage, so the light was already gone when we arrived and Streetfest was in full swing. Since things only get busier with every passing evening, so I set out when things started at 7pm and started heading back when the light started to go. Made it as far as Glen Manor before turning back. Here is a selection of pics that I shot:

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Dr Draw

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Guitarist from Gone Phission

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: David Rotundo 1

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: David Rotundo 2

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Audience Member 1

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Guitarist from Puente del Diablo and his Helper

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Audience Member 2 (Spock!)
Update: Just found out that this tall Spock impersonator goes by the stage name “Spock Vegas” and he has his own Facebook page. Cool!

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Who Took the Cookies

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Singer from God Made Me Funky

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Johannes Linstead

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Suzana d'Amour

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Audience Members 3

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Suzana d'Amour and Audience Member

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Singer from The Joyful Sinners

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Band in Front of Gabby's
Tags: Beaches Jazz Festival, Cosplay, David Rotundo, God Made Me Funky, Gone Phission, Johannes Linstead, Musicians, Spock, Spock Vegas, Star Trek, Street Photography, Streetfest, Suzana d'Amour, The Joyful Sinners, Who Took the Cookies
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