We have a pair of goldfinches who are regular visitors to our backyard feeder. They are very skittish, so it is hard to get a good picture of them. This male goldfinch obliged and stuck around long enough for me to get this shot.
Dhan and I visited the local Parkdale Nursery earlier today. She was looking for pepper plants, but apparently, we are a few weeks early for that. Still, it was nice to wander around in the huge greenhouse and look at all of the colour on display.
DaffodilA White FlowerPink Strawflowers (I Think)Colourful Variegated LeavesClose-up of Another White FlowerMore Variegated LeavesA Red FlowerIcelandic PoppiesPurple PansiesBluebells with DaffodilsResident Cat Having a Snooze
Zebra LongwingYellow Butterfly in the SunWhite-barred Longwing ButterflyRicepaper Butterfly CocoonsPlain Tiger on Pink Flower #1Plain Tiger on Pink Flower #2Malachite ButterflyJust-Hatched Blue MorphoDhan with Butterfly on Her HandBrown Butterfly with Orange and White StripesBlue Morpho with Wings ClosedBlue Morpho with Wings Closed on a LeafBlue Morpho on LeafBeaten-up Owl Butterfly
Our first trip anywhere since the beginning of Covid-19. Joined up with Dhan’s sister and her husband as we took a 2 hour trip on the ship Island Queen, going around the rugged coastline of Georgian Bay.
Sailboat 416Swing Bridge Letting Traffic ThroughShip’s Flag with Rugged Island in BackgroundOsprey on Nesting PlatformRed Canoe, Blue WaterPines on CliffsMini LighthouseA Gathering of Colourful Muskoka ChairsTwo Seagulls on a Lichen-covered RockWindswept Pines on Bare RockPeople by Automated LighthouseBoat Zipping By Automated LighthouseSeaplane About to Land in Parry SoundHeading Back to Parry Sound
My Aunt Audrey (first name was “Gwenneth”, but she always went by her middle name), died earlier today. Her are a collection of photos of her taken over the years as a tribute. (I plan to add more pictures here as I find the time to process them).
Audrey Stuart on the Rocks at Portelet Bay Jersey – 1947
Audrey Stuart – On the Beach at Havre de Pas, Jersey, 1947
Audrey Stuart – Leaning on the Fence at Fliquet Bay, Jersey, 1947
Audrey Stuart at West Park at St Helier – 1947
Audrey Stuart – Birmingham 1947
Audrey Stuart – Birmingham, Jersey 1947
Audrey Stuart at Georgian Bay 1952
Audrey Stuart by Lion Statue New York City Public Library 1952
Audrey Stuart with Baby at Atlantic City 1954
Audrey Stuart en route to Niagara Falls 1952
Audrey in Front of Boys and Girls Library – Toronto 1952
Audrey by Water – 1952
Audrey Stuart, Niagara 1954
Audrey Stuart on Phone Xmas 1960
Audrey visiting Family – Aberystwyth – 1966
Audrey Stuart Carving Turkey Xmas 1966
Audrey Stuart 1969
Audrey Stuart at Stonehenge 1970
Audrey Stuart on Park Bench Stamford Connecticut – July 1992
Audrey Stuart in UK – Aug 1994
Vanessa Roberts, Audrey Stuart, and Annie Roberts visit the Ontario Science Center, mid-2000s
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