October 4th, 2012 Posted by admin Comments Off on Visit to Bay Bulls and Cape Spear
Today Erika started her long weekend from work on the set of “Republic of Doyle”, and she took us all to the first place she wanted to show to us: Bay Bulls, where she had gone sea kayaking earlier in the year.
Some pics from Bay Bulls:

“150262” Out of the Water for the Off-Season

Mishell the Mermaid Statue at Bay Bulls

Small Waterfall at Bay Bulls, Newfoundland

Huge Spools of Oil Pipeline Equipment, Bay Bulls

Seven Eagles Coming into Port at Bay Bulls

St. Peter and St. Paul Church Facade at Bay Bulls
One of the most fascinating things at the St. Peter and St. Paul Church is their gate, made up of four cannons topped with statues of saints: the “cannonized saints”. The two larger cannon are Enlgish, and the smaller ones to each side are French:

The “Canonized Saints” Gate at St. Peter and St. Paul Church in Bay Bulls

Coming Back from Sea Kayaking in Bay Bulls, Newfoundland

Annie and Erika Getting Out of their Sea Kayak at Bay Bulls, Newfoundland
Everyone was hungry after kayaking, so we went to what is by reputation is the best fish and chips restaurant in Newfoundland: “By The Beach“. I ordered the Captain’s Plate so everyone could try a bit of everything. Here’s what it looked like:

The Captain’s Plate at “By the Beach” Restaurant
It was easily the best fish and chips I have ever had. Period.
Then off to Cape Spear, which is the furthest east you can go and still be in North America.

Annie, Erika and Vanessa at Cape Spear, the Most Easterly Part of North America
It was also the place where during WWII a battery was put in place for defense. The guns and the concrete remains of the old battery are still in place.

Old Naval Gun at WWII Base Cape Spear

Hairy Eyeball Graffiti in Old WWII Base Cape Spear
Then back to home base to rest before dinner at an upscale pizza place Erika wanted us to go to. While we were waiting for our table to be ready at that place, we headed over for some local music and ended up in Kelly’s Pub where we saw Ray O’Leary play most of a set:

Ray O’Leary Playing at Kelly’s Pub
Tags: Bay Bulls, Cannon, Food, Graffiti, Kelly's Pub, Newfoundland, Ray O'Leary, WWII
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September 29th, 2012 Posted by admin Comments Off on Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012
Headed downtown soon after sunset this evening to catch this year’s Nuit Blanche outdoor art festival. I took a selection of lenses with me, but in the end I only ended up using two of my fast lenses: my wide-angle 25mm lens and my 50-300mm telephoto.
I headed to the TIFF first, where I saw “Cent une tueries de zombies”, a looped compilation film showing 101 instances of zombies meeting oblivion. Fun, but it didn’t make for great photography so I ventured back outside and headed for the CBC building where I took in Skylum:

Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012: Skylum
Then up to Metro Hall where I caught the artists putting together “Throw Up”:

Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012: Throw Up
Then over to David Pecaut Square to see the crowds taking in “Lifecycles”. I took a number of shots, but the one I liked the most was this one of a couple watching “the grass grow” as someone in the crowd put it:

Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012: Couple Watching “Lifecycles”
Walked toward Roy Thomson Hall where I saw the installation “High Water”. Took many photos of it but few came out the way I hoped. The one I like the most conveys what I think was the right sense of poignancy intended:

Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012: Detail from “High Water”
After that was the crowd favourite “Green Invaders”. Lots of fun:

Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012: Green Invaders
I also liked the collection of neon lighting thrown together in what was called “Invisible Streams: As Above, So Below”:

Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012: Invisible Spaces: As Above So Below
Then up Yonge Street where there wasn’t too much in the way of art installations between King and Richmond — save for this one:

Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012: Crowd at “Button Happy”
…so I doubled-back and went up Bay Street where I caught the edges of the crowded “Fun House”, which included this guy who was gobsmacked by something:

Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012: Gobsmacked
I concluded the night by checking out some of the installation at Nathan Phillips Square, including “World Without Sun”:

Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012: World Without Sun
I then hopped on a streetcar heading east and feeling tired and not wanting to face more crowds, went home.
Tags: Art, Nuit Blanche, Toronto
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August 26th, 2012 Posted by admin Comments Off on Sunday at Fan Expo 2012
My youngest daughter Annie has been wanting to go to this event all year, so I bought ticket beforehand for this day for her, Vanessa and myself. Vanessa wore the Catgirl t-shirt she had bought at the show on Thursday, her friend Hayley went as a Nerdfighter, and her other friend Lauren went as Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony. Annie joined up with two of her friends there too and they wanted to roam the show together, so I ended up spending my time with Bill sans kids, which was unexpected. Since I had already been on Friday I didn’t take as many photos, especially since the crowds were that much more dense, though I managed to see some things I hadn’t run across on the previous visit.

Fan Expo: Dalek Auric Entering Fan Expo

Fan Expo: Hayley as a Nerdfighter

Fan Expo: ”Cyanide and Happiness” Artists Tandem-drawing

Fan Expo: Muppet Animal Cosplayer and a Fan

Fan Expo: Lolita Cosplayers

Fan Expo: Dan Parent Drawing Betty and Veronica

Fan Expo: Ironman and Thor Cosplayers
Here’s a gallery of these and other images from the show:
Fan Expo: Avatar Cosplayers Dancing with Masked, Suited Dancer
Fan Expo: Avatar Cosplayers
Fan Expo: Future Warrior Cosplayer
Fan Expo: Lego Batman
Fan Expo: Dalek Auric Entering Fan Expo
Fan Expo: Vanessa Wearing Her Batgirl T-shirt
Fan Expo: Hayley as a Nerdfighter
Fan Expo: Mix of Cosplayers
Fan Expo: Doctor Who Stuff at the PixelBarrel.com Booth
Fan Expo: Lego Hulk and Kid
Fan Expo: ”Cyanide and Happiness” Artists Tandem-drawing
Fan Expo: Ironman and Thor Cosplayers
Fan Expo: Muppet Animal Cosplayer and a Fan
Fan Expo: Dan Parent Drawing Betty and Veronica
Fan Expo: Vanessa, Lauren and Hayley Watching the Avatar Dancers
Fan Expo: Avatar Cosplayer Dancing
Fan Expo: Lolita Cosplayers
On the whole this year’s show seemed bigger and better organized than the debacle in 2010. Still, there were some problems, like lack of decent cell phone coverage within the building as the cell phone repeaters were likely swamped by the sheer number of people in close proximity. This issue also affected the vendors though, as one of them told me that on the Saturday their portable credit card transaction machines couldn’t work due to the overwhelming volume of cell phone traffic. I also heard through the grapevine that many people who hadn’t already bought their tickets were turned away on the Saturday for the same reason at the ticket vendor booths. Bill and I were also wondering if this is now the single largest convention in Toronto, as expected attendance was in the 80,000 range.
Tags: Archie comic, Batman, Cosplay, Cyanide and Happiness, Dalek, Dalek Auric, Dan Parent, Doctor Who, Fan Expo, Hulk, Ironman, Lego, My Little Pony, Thor
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August 25th, 2012 Posted by admin Comments Off on Big Rude Jake at Castro’s Lounge
For an early dinner I took the family to see the Big Rude Jake Duo (“BRJ2”) who were playing at the nearby Castro’s Lounge restaurant. I’ve loved Big Rude Jake‘s stuff since his first album release, and was pleasantly surprised to find a while back that he has a regular Saturday afternoon matinee gig at Castro’s Lounge. The food is all vegetarian there, and it is a small venue which was perfect for the BRJ2.
I didn’t want to use my flash at the show which would distract the players and disrupt the intimate scene, so the pics are all using natural light, tweaked in PhotoShop Lightroom to bring out a bit more detail where possible.
A good concert, I enjoyed the vegetarian menu selection at the restaurant, and it’s safe to say I’ll return for more classic blues standards from the BRJ2.

Big Rude Jake at Castro’s Lounge #1

Big Rude Jake at Castro’s Lounge #2

Margaret Stowe with Big Rude Jake at Castro’s Lounge
Tags: Beaches, Big Rude Jake, Castro's Lounge, Musicians
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August 24th, 2012 Posted by admin Comments Off on Friday at Fan Expo 2012
Tags: Anime, Bane, Batman, Cosplay, Doctor Who, Fan Expo, Fionna from Adventure Time, Frankenweenie, Freddy Krueger, Futurama, Harley Quinn, John Barrowman, Masks, Mutant Ninja Turtles, My Little Pony, Robin, Stormtrooper, Torchwood
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August 21st, 2012 Posted by admin Comments Off on Visit to The Distillery District
One of the best things about having a guest from overseas is that it gives you the chance to show off interesting bits of the city that they might not have known enough to explore themselves. It’s also a great excuse to go to see places that you like but need an excuse to go to. So Carla was my perfect excuse to head to The Distillery District today, while taking Vanessa along for the ride as well.
The place is practically made for photography, so here are some of my favourite shots I took while there:

Garden Decorations

Vanessa Roberts and Carla at The Distillery District

Sake Tasting at The Distillery District
This picture of some old magnifying glasses in an antique shop didn’t come off as well as I had hoped — ideally I’d want them in sharp focus as well, but the picture is still interesting, but not what I hoped for.

Upside-down Beauty

Carla Shooting a Picture
Carla got what I think is a far better shot of the Martian sculpture (which apparently is officially called “I.T.” and is made by sculptor Michael Christian) where the blazing sun is in the background of a shot similar to this. Still, I like this result, but her’s was better.

Martian Sculpture (“I.T.”) in The Distillery District
I look at this and can’t help but think of a new Cylon face. Possible inspiration?

Rusted Fargo Truck Grill at The Distillery District

Stone Rabbit and Garden Pots
Tags: Distillery District, Fargo, Garden Decorations, I.T., Magnifying Glass, Martian Sculpture, Michael Christian, People Taking Photographs, Rabbit, Rust, Sake, Truck
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August 18th, 2012 Posted by admin Comments Off on Warrior’s Day Parade at the C.N.E. 2012
Tags: Alan Roy, Canadian National Exhibition, James Eddy, Military, Parade, Warriors' Day Parade
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August 16th, 2012 Posted by admin Comments Off on Blue Jays vs White Sox Game @ SkyDome*
My cousin-in-law Carla S. had never been to a major league baseball game before, so I took her to the game the Jays were having this evening against the Chicago White Sox. I took my camera along as well as well as my big telephoto lenses, and I was almost not allowed with them in because of their size! Am guessing I am encroaching on professional territory here, and I suspect the reason they let me in was because I was seated in the 200 section, so nowhere near as close as the Pros in their reserved section just beside the TV cameras at the baseline. Still, I was able to get some good shots, while trying to explain how the game worked to Carla.

Blue Jays at Bat

Here Comes the Pitch

Davis at Bat

Davis Connects

Highs and Lows

Glum-looking Blue Jays in the Dugout

White Sox Conferring on the Pitcher’s Mound
This was also the game where a fan at the opposite end of the field from where we were sitting had a heart attack (and later, unfortunately died). I did take pics, mainly so I could see what was going on. Out of respect for the deceased man’s family (and also for reasons of good taste) I am not posting those pictures.
* (I know it’s officially called The Rogers Centre now, but SkyDome is how I still think of it, and let’s face it, it’s a far better name).
Tags: Baseball, Blue Jays, Skydome, Sports, White Sox
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July 28th, 2012 Posted by admin Comments Off on Waxing Gibbous Moon Shot Using the “Bigma” Lens
A beautiful waxing gibbous moon was out this evening, high in the sky and waiting to be photographed. So I obliged. 😉
It gave me another chance to try out my 50-500mm Sigma “Bigma” lens on my camera when set up on a tripod. I still find that at full extension the focus is bit mushy, and I seem to get the best results between 400-450mm. Still, here is arguably the best shot of the sequence I took, which shows enough detail so that you can see the sunlight hitting the tall peaks of the Montes Jura mountain range on the moon flanking Sinus Iridus (the black basalt plain making up one of the moon’s “eyes”) before it has made it all the way to the bottom of the lunar plain.

Gibbous Moon with Sun Falling on the Peak of Sinus Iridum
Tags: Astrophotography, Montes Jura, Moon, Sinus Iridum
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July 27th, 2012 Posted by admin Comments Off on Beaches Jazz Festival 2012: Streetfest
Got home late the previous evening from the cottage, so the light was already gone when we arrived and Streetfest was in full swing. Since things only get busier with every passing evening, so I set out when things started at 7pm and started heading back when the light started to go. Made it as far as Glen Manor before turning back. Here is a selection of pics that I shot:

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Dr Draw

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Guitarist from Gone Phission

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: David Rotundo 1

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: David Rotundo 2

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Audience Member 1

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Guitarist from Puente del Diablo and his Helper

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Audience Member 2 (Spock!)
Update: Just found out that this tall Spock impersonator goes by the stage name “Spock Vegas” and he has his own Facebook page. Cool!

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Who Took the Cookies

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Singer from God Made Me Funky

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Johannes Linstead

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Suzana d'Amour

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Audience Members 3

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Suzana d'Amour and Audience Member

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Singer from The Joyful Sinners

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Band in Front of Gabby's
Tags: Beaches Jazz Festival, Cosplay, David Rotundo, God Made Me Funky, Gone Phission, Johannes Linstead, Musicians, Spock, Spock Vegas, Star Trek, Street Photography, Streetfest, Suzana d'Amour, The Joyful Sinners, Who Took the Cookies
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