A Fancy Onion!

Took the dog for a walk down by Woodbine Park, and I ran across a bunch of these purple flowers, which are arranged in a sphere at the top of a think stalk. Too cool for me to pass up, especially since I had my macro lens with me.

I had no idea what it was, but then I found that a friend and former colleague had posted similar pics on his blog, and somebody mentioned what they were in the comments section: Allium, which is from the onion family. A very fancy onion indeed!

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Bard in the Park 2009

Was out with the girls in the afternoon, on a hunt for “puffy stickers” which are all the rage at Annie’s school right now, and along the way I insisted that we catch part of the free Shakespeare play (“The Merchant of Venice”) that was running in the large gazebo in the middle of Kew Beach park. Here are some shots taken with the telephoto lens.

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Pictures Taken During a Saturday Stroll Through the Beach

A glorious sunny day, so I took the dog for a long walk down by Woodbine Beach park. Here are some pics taken along the way.

A team practicing in a big ol’ canoe down by Woodbine Beach Park.

An unhappy female Red-Winged Blackbird telling me to go away from her nesting site in no uncertain terms.

An immature mallard drake checking me out. (Sorry, no bread).

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Annie’s 8th Birthday Party

We held Annie’s birthday party today — well over a month before her actual birthday since we’ve discovered that it is hard to get ahold of her friends for anything outside of the school year. It was a relatively small affair this year: a sleepover with three young friends invited (only one of whom ended up staying the night).

Cake was courtesy of Dufflet Pastry, from a gift certificate Annie won in a contest earlier in the year. Vanilla cake with chocolate icing – yum!

It was a rainy day all day, and having promised the kids attending that they could expect to go in Annie’s jumping castle, we actually managed to set the thing up in the living room. All possible breakables were moved away, and everything worked as expected, Annie’s friends working off their sugar intake a bit in the process.

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Ants on a Peony Bud

We have peonies in our backyard garden, on the verge of flowering. I saw that there were ants on every single bud. I had see this before, and didn’t think it a cause for alarm as I have never seen any damage done to the plant or to the flower, but had never looked into it.

What little I could find on the Web suggests that the ants are definitely not harming the plant in any way, though nobody seems to be entirely sure what they are doing.

Watching the ants it definitely appeared as though they were interested in some substance on the buds — the following picture shows a pair of ants with their pincers down on the split in the bud, seemingly touching the top surface but not doing any visible harm to the plant, or even gouging anything out of it. Whatever it is they are interested in must be on the top layer of the bud, perhaps a fine layer of liquid sugar or something similar. I also wonder if perhaps there is some benefit to the emerging flower, the ants likely driving away anything else that might do real harm to the plant.

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Counterpoint Community Orchestra Concert

This was the big night that Erika had been practicing for months: playing in CCO’s performance of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony. I had been asked to bring my camera equipment along, having taken a few pictures for the orchestra at a previous concert.

The event was held at the University of Toronto’s MacMillan Theatre, which is a nice large, acoustically robust stage. I’d been in this theatre before, taking in an opera performed by U. of T. student from about a year ago, so I already had a good idea as to the place’s layout, and where to set up in order to get some good pictures.

Vanessa had fractured her foot only a few days before, so we had borrowed a wheelchair so that we could get her to the concert. Thankfully she was in no pain, and managed to hop the few steps over to the seat we ended up taking in the balcony, where I set up my camera and tripod.

Before the concert started, I managed to make my way down to the main level and take a few shots of people practicing before the concert started.

The conductor in a blue t-shirt and jeans during the final practice.

The string section listening to the conductor’s final words of encouragement.

Practicing her cello

Practicing on the double-bass.

The first piece was a flute concerto in d minor by C.P.E. Bach, with Jennifer Langton dressed in a gold sequined dress playing flute with the woodwinds.

Jennifer Langton taking her bows

The chorus taking their seats for Beethoven’s 9th Symphony
The conductor addressing the audience on the subject of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony.

Conductor explaining how the various parts of the piece come together.

Erika on trumpet, our neighbour Dave beside her.

Tympany and strings
Everybody assembled for the final movement

Close-up of part of the chorus
Close-up of another part of the chorus, with Erika and Dave playing trumpet below.

Jennifer Raxor (soprano) and Martha Spence (mezzo soprano)

Trombones and strings

More of the string section

The conclusion of the performance, and everyone takes their bows.

It was a good, stirring performance. Beethoven would have been pleased.

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Victoria Day at Ashbridges Bay, 2009

Good show this year.

I took the girls down to the beach, walking straight down from our house. (Unfortunately Erika had an important practice to go to, so wasn’t there for it. This time last year, I was away in China, so I missed out on last year’s show).

Everything started at about 9:45pm and lasted for maybe 15-20 minutes. Lots of very noisy fun!

The following pics are a small selection of favorites I took during the show.

Annie illuminated by the light of a sparkler

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Fountains and Birds Down by Woodbine Park

After lunch, the girls, YoBob and I headed down to Woodbine Park. I took the ball chucker in order to wear-out YoBob, and the girls played in the playground. The fountain had also been turned back on, and the water-level of the pond has risen considerably, making it attractive for people and for the local birdlife.

The fountains at Woodbine Park

Close-up of the smaller “sub” fountains by the base of the big fountain

Shot of an accommodating female Mallard duck who was swimming with her drake

This female Red-Winged Blackbird alighted on an adjacent bench, and allowed me to take a couple of quick pics before she flew off

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Shooting Shy Birds and the Inevitable Twig in Front of Them

Took a walk by the scrub-land adjacent to Livingstone Park, which is close to where my office is located, and saw this Baltimore Oriole and his mate in a tree. Almost every shot I took had a big twig directly between me and a bird. This was the best shot of the bunch.

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Learning More About How to Shoot Using the Macro Lens

Even with the macro lens, it is increasingly clear to me that good composition matters along with an interesting subject. So I’m glad this fly landed (and stayed still long enough) on this ripped leaf.

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