Young Cardinal and Adult Robin

Tags: American Robin, Bird, Cardinal, London ON, Robin
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Tags: American Robin, Bird, Cardinal, London ON, Robin
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Tags: Bird, Budding Tree, Cardinal, London ON, Male Cardinal, Spring
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Tags: Bird, Cardinal
Posted in bird, Cardinal Comments Off on A Pair of Cardinals
I took the dog out for a walk yesterday and brought along some bird seed with me, intending to take it to a spot near the lake where I know the chickadees tend to congregate, and hoping to get a shot or two of them. I went via the jogging path that runs alongside Ashbridges Bay, and remembered that there was a small, homemade bird feeder that somebody put a a couple of years ago in a small copse of trees. I went over there to see if there was any seed, and found that there was none. So I put in a handful of seed and within seconds a flock of black-capped chickadees were excitedly chirping and diving to the feeder to grab a beakful.
This started to attract other birds, seeing what the sudden commotion was about. A pair of nuthatches came to take a look, and also started darting to the feeder for seed.
Then a female Downy Woodpecker appeared, and started looking for hidden insects in the bark of an adjacent tree.
But the best was when a male Cardinal flew in for a peek, and picked a branch which was bathed in sunlight, resulting in this picture:
Will have to head back there with more seed sometime soon, since these guys seemed hungry.
Tags: Bird, Black-capped Chickadee, Cardinal, Downy Woodpecker, White–breasted Nuthatch
Posted in bird Comments Off on Birds in the Park Alongside Ashbridges Bay
Went for a walk with YoBob down by Woodbine Park, and brought along some sunflower seeds to feed the birds down there. Last time I only managed to attract some Chickadees, but this time I caught the attention of a pair of cardinals, who posed for me while they assessing the risk of flying down to grab their share of seeds while a large predator was nearby with a funny-looking device pointed at them… 😉
Tags: Bird, Cardinal, Picture of the Day, Woodbine Beach
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Some minnows swimming above a lost license plate in a small creek.
Playing with the macro lens again: a close-up of a small centipede (maybe a couple of centimeters in length) who stayed still long enough for the shot.
More macro fun: small bleeding-heart buds against the stony face of our garden gnome-guy.
I thought I was done for the day, and then I heard this Cardinal chirp away in our backyard tree. He posed for this shot and then flitted away.
Labels: cardinal, centipede, garden gnome, minnows
Tags: Cardinal, Centipede, Fish, Garden Gnome, License plate, Minnow
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