Posts Tagged ‘Cosplay’
Sunday, January 27th, 2013
I took my youngest daughter Annie to FrostCon, which was a small largely Anime-themed one-day event that was happening at the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts. Small, a bit crowded at times and the presentations were a little bit haphazard, but everybody clearly had fun while there. I was also by a decade (maybe two?) the oldest person I saw there. 😉
Came away with some fun shots though.
First, my two daughters:

FrostCon: Fionna and Cake (Annie and Dawn)

FrostCon: Vanessa as The TARDIS
Other people Cosplaying at FrostCon:

FrostCon: Creeper Who Wants a Hug

FrostCon: Hailey as Hogarth from The Iron Giant

FrostCon: Doctor Whooves and Derpy (Keikoandgilly and BaldDumboRat)

FrostCon: Someone Playing Marshall Lee from Adventure Time

FrostCon: Vickybunnyangel Cosplay

FrostCon: Woman Playing a Character from Spiderman Cast of Characters

FrostCon: Woman on Panel Cosplaying as Discord from My Little Pony

FrostCon: Steampunk Girl
Tags: Cosplay, FrostCon
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Sunday, August 26th, 2012
My youngest daughter Annie has been wanting to go to this event all year, so I bought ticket beforehand for this day for her, Vanessa and myself. Vanessa wore the Catgirl t-shirt she had bought at the show on Thursday, her friend Hayley went as a Nerdfighter, and her other friend Lauren went as Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony. Annie joined up with two of her friends there too and they wanted to roam the show together, so I ended up spending my time with Bill sans kids, which was unexpected. Since I had already been on Friday I didn’t take as many photos, especially since the crowds were that much more dense, though I managed to see some things I hadn’t run across on the previous visit.

Fan Expo: Dalek Auric Entering Fan Expo

Fan Expo: Hayley as a Nerdfighter

Fan Expo: ”Cyanide and Happiness” Artists Tandem-drawing

Fan Expo: Muppet Animal Cosplayer and a Fan

Fan Expo: Lolita Cosplayers

Fan Expo: Dan Parent Drawing Betty and Veronica

Fan Expo: Ironman and Thor Cosplayers
Here’s a gallery of these and other images from the show:
Fan Expo: Avatar Cosplayers Dancing with Masked, Suited Dancer
Fan Expo: Avatar Cosplayers
Fan Expo: Future Warrior Cosplayer
Fan Expo: Lego Batman
Fan Expo: Dalek Auric Entering Fan Expo
Fan Expo: Vanessa Wearing Her Batgirl T-shirt
Fan Expo: Hayley as a Nerdfighter
Fan Expo: Mix of Cosplayers
Fan Expo: Doctor Who Stuff at the Booth
Fan Expo: Lego Hulk and Kid
Fan Expo: ”Cyanide and Happiness” Artists Tandem-drawing
Fan Expo: Ironman and Thor Cosplayers
Fan Expo: Muppet Animal Cosplayer and a Fan
Fan Expo: Dan Parent Drawing Betty and Veronica
Fan Expo: Vanessa, Lauren and Hayley Watching the Avatar Dancers
Fan Expo: Avatar Cosplayer Dancing
Fan Expo: Lolita Cosplayers
On the whole this year’s show seemed bigger and better organized than the debacle in 2010. Still, there were some problems, like lack of decent cell phone coverage within the building as the cell phone repeaters were likely swamped by the sheer number of people in close proximity. This issue also affected the vendors though, as one of them told me that on the Saturday their portable credit card transaction machines couldn’t work due to the overwhelming volume of cell phone traffic. I also heard through the grapevine that many people who hadn’t already bought their tickets were turned away on the Saturday for the same reason at the ticket vendor booths. Bill and I were also wondering if this is now the single largest convention in Toronto, as expected attendance was in the 80,000 range.
Tags: Archie comic, Batman, Cosplay, Cyanide and Happiness, Dalek, Dalek Auric, Dan Parent, Doctor Who, Fan Expo, Hulk, Ironman, Lego, My Little Pony, Thor
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Friday, August 24th, 2012
Tags: Anime, Bane, Batman, Cosplay, Doctor Who, Fan Expo, Fionna from Adventure Time, Frankenweenie, Freddy Krueger, Futurama, Harley Quinn, John Barrowman, Masks, Mutant Ninja Turtles, My Little Pony, Robin, Stormtrooper, Torchwood
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Friday, July 27th, 2012
Got home late the previous evening from the cottage, so the light was already gone when we arrived and Streetfest was in full swing. Since things only get busier with every passing evening, so I set out when things started at 7pm and started heading back when the light started to go. Made it as far as Glen Manor before turning back. Here is a selection of pics that I shot:

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Dr Draw

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Guitarist from Gone Phission

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: David Rotundo 1

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: David Rotundo 2

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Audience Member 1

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Guitarist from Puente del Diablo and his Helper

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Audience Member 2 (Spock!)
Update: Just found out that this tall Spock impersonator goes by the stage name “Spock Vegas” and he has his own Facebook page. Cool!

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Who Took the Cookies

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Singer from God Made Me Funky

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Johannes Linstead

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Suzana d'Amour

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Audience Members 3

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Suzana d'Amour and Audience Member

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Singer from The Joyful Sinners

Beaches Jazz Festival Streetfest: Band in Front of Gabby's
Tags: Beaches Jazz Festival, Cosplay, David Rotundo, God Made Me Funky, Gone Phission, Johannes Linstead, Musicians, Spock, Spock Vegas, Star Trek, Street Photography, Streetfest, Suzana d'Amour, The Joyful Sinners, Who Took the Cookies
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Saturday, April 14th, 2012
Went to Wizard World Toronto with my daughters and a couple of their friends today. Wizard World is the first of a trio of comic-book related events that take place in Toronto every year, the other two being the Toronto Comics Art Festival (arguably my favourite as it is mostly indie publishers) which takes place in May, and Fan Expo Canada which comes in August.
Arguably the smallest of the three, Wizard World is still fun and is aimed at those fans looking to meet (and get autographs from) cult-series celebrities as well as substantial comics-related stuff, sci-fi and other genre stuff, along with a few local, independent artists looking to make a name for themselves.
Case in point: the local Dr Who Fan Club had a Dalek on hand, which the girls posed with at the show. This turns out to be Dalek Auric, who has his own fan page on Facebook.

Wizard World: Girls with Dalek
A smaller display of Dr Who fandom:

Wizard World: Dr Who Items
And then there’s the t-shirts:

Wizard World: Dr Who T-Shirt Display
Don’t forget the cosplayers!

Wizard World: Annie with Stormtroopers

Wizard World: Cosplayers

Wizard World: Minecraft Creeper Head
Then there are the celebrities:

Wizard World: Amy Ackerman

Wizard World: Dean Stockwell

Wizard World: Crowd Photographing Arrival of Scott Bakula
And other random stuff:

Wizard World: Beware the Boss Behind You!

Wizard World: Rainbow Dash in Plastic Beads

Wizard World: This is Not a Pipe
Oh yeah, comics:

Wizard World: Row of Comics 1

Wizard World: Row of Comics 2
Tags: Amy Ackerman, Comics, Cosplay, Dalek, Dalek Auric, Dean Stockwell, Doctor Who, Rainbow Dash, Scott Bakula, Wizard World
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Sunday, August 28th, 2011
Took myself and the girls to Fan Expo. Here are a selection of some of the pics I shot while there:

Fan Expo: Wonderwoman Holding a Dalek

Fan Expo: Soviet Batman and Nazi Joker

Fan Expo: Girls in Dr Who Costumes (Dalek and Angel) Along with Vanessa and Hailey

Fan Expo: Two Voice Actors from "Total Drama Island" with Annie

Fan Expo: Pokeman Balloon Costume

Fan Expo: Real Steel Robot: Atom

Fan Expo: Real Steel Robot: Purple Robot

Fan Expo: Lego Hagrid

Fan Expo: Wall of T-Shirts

Fan Expo: Cowboy and "Test" Coming Down Escalator
Tags: Batman, Cosplay, Dalek, Dr Who, Fan Expo, Hagrid, Joker, Lego, Pokeman, Real Steel, Robot, T-shirts, Total Drama Island
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