Dhan and I visited the local Parkdale Nursery earlier today. She was looking for pepper plants, but apparently, we are a few weeks early for that. Still, it was nice to wander around in the huge greenhouse and look at all of the colour on display.
DaffodilA White FlowerPink Strawflowers (I Think)Colourful Variegated LeavesClose-up of Another White FlowerMore Variegated LeavesA Red FlowerIcelandic PoppiesPurple PansiesBluebells with DaffodilsResident Cat Having a Snooze
Our dog YoBob is back from the cottage as the girls head to Camp Couchiching for the rest of the month, so he needed a walk. A good excuse for me to head to Woodbine Park, where I took pictures of the various fauna I saw down there on what was a hot day.
Here’s my favourite, of a Monarch Butterfly on an Echinacea Flower:
Monarch Butterfly on an Echinacea Flower
Here’s the rest:
Male Blue Dasher Dragonfly (Pachydiplax longipennis)
Frog ”Conga Line”
An American Painted Lady Butterfly on a Tattered Echinacea Flower
I got to go to the Toronto Orchid Show again. Great place to go if you’re a photographer. For each flower I shot, I also took a picture of the label for the particular orchid, so all of the flowers are named, where a label was available for them.
One of my favourites was this one, which looks a lot like a woman’s lips:
Encyclia Cordigera + Encyclia Randii
Here are the best pics, winnowed down from a couple hundred shots:
Unnamed Phalaenopsis 2
Unnamed Phalaenopsis 1
Unnamed Large Orchid
Phalaenopsis Little Green Stripe + Dtps Chain Xen Pearl Hybrid