Young Robin with a Mohawk on Backyard Fence

Tags: American Robin, Bird, Fledgling, London ON, Robin
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Tags: American Robin, Bird, Fledgling, London ON, Robin
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Tags: American Robin, Bird, Cardinal, London ON, Robin
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Tags: American Robin, Bird, London ON, Robin
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A small flock of American Robins have stuck around for the winter. It seems odd to see Robins in the snow.
Tags: American Robin, Bird, Robin
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As usual there’s the “branch in front of the bird” problem, but it’s not so bad in this case:
Tags: Bird, Robin
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Tags: Killdeer, Robin, Woodbine Park
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Had an unexpected opportunity to go to Fan Expo today, so I went with Vanessa and Carla (a distant German cousin who was visiting). I have heard the Thursdays and Fridays of the event are the least busy, so all the more reason to go, even though we had already booked tickets for the Sunday as well. Carla hadn’t planned on going on Sunday, so this was her one-and-only chance to go, and as you can see, she had fun.
Here are some favorites:
Here are some more shots from the show:
Tags: Anime, Bane, Batman, Cosplay, Doctor Who, Fan Expo, Fionna from Adventure Time, Frankenweenie, Freddy Krueger, Futurama, Harley Quinn, John Barrowman, Masks, Mutant Ninja Turtles, My Little Pony, Robin, Stormtrooper, Torchwood
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Made the trip to nearby Tommy Thompson park this afternoon. With the sun out it was a great day to shoot bird pictures (as well as a few involving people). Here’s a selection of what I managed to shoot with my camera:
Tags: Beaver, Bird, Killdeer, Mute Swan, Northern Mockingbird, Robin, Song Sparrow, Toronto Skyline
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I didn’t get much of an opportunity to shoot pics of birds while I was over in the U.K., so it was good to go for a walk in Woodbine Park with the dog to see the birds that have returned (or in a couple of cases, likely never left).
Here are a couple of shots of a male Red-winged Blackbird who was gathering thistle seeds and squawking away.
When he noticed me, he directed his squawks at me:
One of a pair of Mourning Doves I ran across:
Here’s a pic of one of a couple of Robins I saw in Woodbine Park. Am pretty sure at least three American Robins stuck it out for the whole of the (non-)winter we had.
The Mute Swans are back in Woodbine Park’s pond. They didn’t like Yo-Bob much, which accounts for the steely gaze in this shot:
A Blackbird (or possibly a Grackle?) taking flight from the top of a small tree:
Tags: Bird, Blackbird, Mourning Dove, Mute Swan, Red-Winged Blackbird, Robin, Swan, Woodbine Park
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Our dog YoBob is back from the cottage as the girls head to Camp Couchiching for the rest of the month, so he needed a walk. A good excuse for me to head to Woodbine Park, where I took pictures of the various fauna I saw down there on what was a hot day.
Here’s my favourite, of a Monarch Butterfly on an Echinacea Flower:
Here’s the rest:
Tags: American Painted Lady Butterfly, Bird, Butterfly, Echinacea, Flower, Monarch Butterfly, Robin, Woodbine Park
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