Posts Tagged ‘The Beaches’

Crescent Moon and Venus at Sunrise by The Beach

I had read in SkyNews that the Moon was going to be in the sky along with the planet Venus in this morning, and when I stepped out the front door, instead of heading straight to work I went down to the beach with my camera and took these shots.

The first shot, with the trees and the jogger in just the right place is my favourite of the bunch, and I pretty much knew it would be my picture of the day when I took it, but I kept walking closer to Beach, and the progression towards the water is what you see here.

Crescent Moon and Venus at Sunrise by The Beach with Jogger and Trees

Crescent Moon and Venus at Sunrise by The Beach with Jogger and Trees

Crescent Moon and Venus at Sunrise by The Beach with Trees

Crescent Moon and Venus at Sunrise by The Beach with Trees

Crescent Moon and Venus at Sunrise by The Beach

Crescent Moon and Venus at Sunrise by The Beach

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Lions Toronto Easter Parade in The Beaches 2010

Another fun parade, this time with Vanessa helping out a friend by marching with a group of kids for “The Monkey Club”. In addition to the usual bands there was even a demo by a couple of members of the Harlem Globetrotters as well.

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Leuty Lifeguard House Shutting Down for the Day

Was walking along the Boardwalk and it was the time when all of the lifeguards
were beginning to close up shop for the day at the Leuty Lifeguard Station.

I took several shots, but this was my favourite of the bunch.

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Concert at the Balmy Beach Club

A neighbour of our arranged for terrific concert at the local Balmy Beach Club this evening. It featured a number of artists, though the headliner was for Mark Seymour, previously of the well-known 80’s Aussie band “Hunters and Collectors“.

All of the bands playing were good-to-great, and I was particularly struck by Paul Price, whose music and lyrics reminded me a of Radiohead; an influence I was convinced of when he did a stirring solo of Radiohead’s “High and Dry“. Here are some pics from that set:

A particularly good singer I thought — enough to convince me to buy his CD.

Another act followed (which didn’t really do anything for me), and then came the marquee act: Mark Seymour. Ended up taking about a hundred pictures of his set, and only singled out the following. (Note to self, save up now to buy a faster telephoto lens for taking better and sharper low-light pictures).

Fellow Aussie Cameron McKenzie (hope I have his name right) with the Canadian drummer in the background.

A great show filled with lots of energy which some of these pictures only hint at. Would definitely see him on stage again, though I doubt I’ll ever get the chance to see him at another venue as small or as intimate as this one was. A memorable concert.

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Lions Toronto Easter Parade in The Beaches 2009

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YoBob on Ice

Had a great time walking down by the beach with Annie, where we both threw sticks along a shallow and completely frozen pond-sized puddle for Yo-Bob to fetch. The slippery ice meant that stick slid further than it would normally go. That extra distance meant that YoBob really hit his top stick-chasing stride when he had to stop — which meant that he did a lot of sliding around. He was thorough exhausted after only a few throws, but as in this shot, was perfectly happy to retrieve the stick!

YoBob Retrieving a Stick on Ice

YoBob Retrieving a Stick on Ice

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