Visit to the San Diego Model Railroad Museum
I had a package deal that allowed me entry into any five of the museums on the Balboa Park grounds. I decided just for fun to go into the San Diego Model Railroad Museum, which is the largest such museum in North America. I had an electric model train set when I was a boy, but never really caught the “bug” and went beyond that point, but have always been fascinated in the elaborate detail and often humorous touches that go into such large-scale layouts.
Thanks to the lighting and the pervasive glass, I found that it was next to impossible to get good shots of moving trains with the gear I had with me. So I concentrated on some of the miniature details. If I had a tripod with me I could have done better, but I still like some of shots I came away with from that visit.
I noticed that the Wikipedia article on this museum didn’t have any shot of the museum, so I posted the following image to Wikimedia Commons for use on the Wikipedia page:
- Enthusiast Among a Small Scale Layout
- A Contented-looking Engineer
- Part of a Large Scale Layout
- Western Pacific Engine Front
- Mel’s Drive In
- Steam Ditcher
- Road Crew Detail
- Fender Bender
- Hikers Meet Railroad Work Crew
- Wedding at a Local Church
- Looking Under the Hood
- Train Car Home Detail
- Crane Car Detail
- Full-sized Railroad Crossing Sign
- Salvaging a Car that Has Fallen Down a Hill
- Santa Fe Engine Front
- Traffic by the Pacific Hotel
- Waiting at the Train Station
- One of the Layouts at the Museum
- Building a Hanger
- Fixing a Tire
- Facade of the San Diego Model Railroad Museum
Tags: Model Railroad, Museum, San Diego Model Railroad Museum
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