Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Surreal Shoes

The current window display at the Bata Shoe Museum. At night.
Labels: Bata Shoe Museum, surreal
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A site about things and stuff, stuff and things...
The current window display at the Bata Shoe Museum. At night.
Labels: Bata Shoe Museum, surreal
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An early 40-ish married Dad who has written some technology books, teaches at the University as an instructor in Information Architecture and in Content Management, and works at a certain graphics card company as their Manager for Documentation & Localization. The blog is about whatever comes up, and is meant more as a personal journal that I share with friends and family in order to let them know what's going on in mine and my family's life. As a rule I don't talk about anything work-related here, so most of the musings are of a personal rather than of a professional nature. If you enjoy as well, great, if not, there are plenty of other blogs out there to look at... ;-)